We would be honored to bear witness to your story and to walk alongside you toward healing.
Driftwood currently provides mental health services to people in Florida, Texas, and Alabama and parent coaching for individuals in any state. We provide telehealth appointments when preferred are available for in-person sessions in Santa Rosa Beach.
Individual Counseling
Individual counseling gives you the space and support as you work through what may be important to you. We will work together to create a plan to support you and give you the tools for whatever you’d like to focus on. There is nothing too big or small for our time together—if it matters to you, then it matters.
Children and Teen Counseling
Growing up is hard. Just when you are learning the rules about how to exist in the world, they change on you. Counseling is a great space to explore some of these challenges with a safe adult besides your parents. We will support you and your child or teen as they navigate the expected and unexpected parts of their development.
Parent Coaching and Support
Parenting is the hardest job in the world, and it comes without any training. Driftwood supports parents and families in learning healthy ways of being in relationship. We work with family systems navigating typical challenges, or more specific concerns around major family changes, parenting when there is trauma, and foster, adoptive, and transracial families.
Decoding the Letters
LCSW-S stands for Licensed Clinical Social Worker Supervisor. LCSW Supervisors serve as the clinical oversight and formal supervision for Registered Clinical Social Work Interns (RCSWI) and Registered Mental Health Counselor Interns (RMHCI). To be a supervisor, a person must first complete a graduate program and earn a Masters in Social Work or Mental Health Counseling. After graduation, she registers as an intern (RCSWI or RMHCI) and begins the journey to full licensure as an LCSW or LMHC, which includes at least 2 years and 2000 hours of clinical work under the supervision of a Qualified Supervisor. The final step is passing the licensure exam. After independently practicing for 2 years and completing a 40-hour supervision course, LCSWs and LMHCs are eligible to become supervisors and provide guidance and consultation to social workers pursuing licensure. You should never seek counseling from a person who does not hold a license to offer mental health services!
Hillary is an LCSW-S licensed in Florida (#22013), Alabama (#4761C), and Texas (#66497).
Hailee is an RCSWI (#ISW21350) in Florida under Hillary’s supervision.
Alexa is an RMHCI (#IMH27220) in Florida under Marisa Knight supervision.
What is it? Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is the leading treatment protocol for treating trauma. EMDR is proven by research to be effective and efficient in helping to address distress caused by any past or ongoing incident or recurring upsetting thought. This could be anything from a major traumatic incident (assault, car accident, abuse, etc) or anxiety about something that has yet to happen (an upcoming presentation or interaction).
Who benefits from EMDR? While EMDR has been most extensively researched on adults with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, many people find EMDR to be helpful at some point in treatment. Hillary has utilized EMDR with children as young as four years old, with adults with ongoing complex trauma, and with individuals who would like to process an isolated incident that continues to bother them.
Credentials: Hillary is certified in EMDR by the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). Hillary is an EMDRIA Approved Consultant and can provide EMDR consultation for those pursuing certification. Hailee has completed EMDR Basic Training and is working toward EMDR Certification under Hillary’s supervision.
What is it? Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is an evidence-based approach to treating trauma in children and adolescents. TF-CBT utilizes a general CBT approach of identifying feelings, teaching coping skills, and addressing negative thought patterns related to a traumatic incident(s). TF-CBT’s success is heavily reliant upon the child’s safe caregiver being active and involved in sessions. In addition to building skills and tools, children create a narrative of the traumatic incident and share with their safe caregiver(s) as part of processing.
Who benefits from TF-CBT? TF-CBT is designed for children and adolescents, ages 3+. In order to fully utilize TF-CBT, the child’s safe caregiver (parent, guardian, or other safe adult) must agree to engage in treatment alongside the child. As a result, TF-CBT can be healing for parent/child relationships and even entire families! Hillary has utilized elements of TF-CBT with children 3-18, and even with some adults.
Credentials: Hillary is certified in TF-CBT by the Center for Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents. Hailee is trained in TF-CBT.
What is it? Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®) is an evidence based approach to navigating relationships. TBRI® was developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis as a connected approach to parenting children from hard places or who have experienced trauma. TBRI® is a practical, skills-based method for building attachment (typically between a caregiver and child) or fostering a healthy and safe relational environment.
Who benefits from TBRI? TBRI® is most known within the adoptive and foster care communities as a best practice in parenting children with trauma. However, TBRI® has expanded and can be utilized in schools, businesses, child-serving agencies, and families with typically developing children.
Credentials: Hillary is a TBRI® Practitioner, as credentialed by the Karyn Purvis Institute for Child Development at TCU. Hillary is able to work with families in a coaching capacity or can provide TBRI® training to organizations and/or groups.
Our rate is $200 per 50-minute session for senior therapists (Hillary) and $150 for provisionally licensed therapists (Hailee and Alexa). Other rates or fees may apply for varying types of services, including consultation, speaking engagements, or longer session times.
We are considered out of network for all insurance. Payment is due via cash, check or credit card each session. We provide a monthly super bill to submit to your insurance to consider for reimbursement.